Scary Teen Stories

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Actually, if you be brave, you could actually become as scary as them! Take this quiz to write a scary story and find out how scary you really is.

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Our stories portray the pain of addiction as well as the hope that comes from a drug-free life. Conference Approved Literature ©1998 Marijuana Anonymous

6 Scary Halloween Stories for Teens 2: Quick and and super short stories just right for the teen who loves spooky stories. Perfect for Halloween night reading.

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Scary Campfire Stories; These campfire stories are either really scary, or are suspenseful enough that they will scare you anyway.

Retellings of ghost stories, spooky tales, hauntings, and supernatural events. Scary ghost stories come from all over America.

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When we asked for your spookiest scary stories, we knew we’d get some freaky stuff. But we were not prepared for the creepy horrors to come. Many, many stories

A collection of the 20 scariest urban legends and stories. Go on, read them after dark—we dare you. Some of them may just be true

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Scary Teen Stories 26

Sites which provide suitable online horror stories for s or teens. s and Teens Arts Online Stories Scary Stories . 5. Teen Life. Your Family.

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20 Scary Stories for Teens. by Brace yourself for dark twists and a seriously scary ending. Survive Shades of London series introduces American teen

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Campfire stories of ghosts, spooky happenings, and eerie events. Scary campfire stories come from all over America.

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