Can You Be Pregnant And Still Get Your Period

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Can You Get Pregnant on Your Period? The question about whether you can get pregnant on your period or not is probably the most common of the three situations noted

It’s certainly true that you can get pregnant having unprotected sex during your period. The sperm can still swim upwards and meet the ovum in the uterine (Fallopian

Can you get your period while you’re pregnant? The BabyCenter Editorial Team. No. Is it possible to still have your period while you are pregnant? MOM ANSWER.

It’s a common misconception that if a woman has sex during her period she cannot become pregnant. While a woman is unlikely to get pregnant during her period, it is

Yes, it’s possible to get pregnant during your period. You’d have to have a very short menstrual cycle, which is the time from the first day of one period to the

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It’s only natural to be worried if you have spotting or bleeding. Tell your doctor or midwife, because bleeding can sometimes be a cause for concern.

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Q: Can you be pregnant and still get your period? A: The answer to that question is no- a true period is the result of shedding of the endometrium, or lining of the

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Can you get pregnant while on your period. Yes, but it’s unlikely. You can still get pregnant on your period if you have unprotected sex. Sperm survive up to five

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No, you cannot so if your pregnant and bleeding – go to your doctors today. or Yes, you can get your period during the first trimester. If you have not had a positive

There could still be viable sperm inside you, and you could get pregnant. Can you get pregnant on your period if you have an irregular cycle?

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